What is Salt Therapy?

Pharmaceutical grade salt is ground to micron sized particles and dispersed into the air. Clients simply relax in comfortable chairs and breathe in the cool, dry salt air. The tiny particles of salt are able to reach the deepest part of the lungs, sinuses, ears, and pores of the skin where they absorb and help to remove bacteria, virus, mold spores, pollen and inhaled pollutants. The salt aerosol also thins the mucus and speeds up the rate at which it is expelled from the lungs. The respiratory tract and skin is cleared, and inflammation is reduced thus benefiting the entire body.

Where did salt therapy originate?

In the mid 1800’s, Polish physicians noticed that salt miners rarely suffered from respiratory diseases. Many asthma and allergy sufferers who hid out in the salt mines during the war, emerged breathing freely. From these observations, speleotherapy (salt cave therapy) was founded. Today the healthcare systems in many countries pay for people to spend several weeks per year in the salt mines in order to prevent, and heal respiratory and skin conditions. Athletes throughout the world incorporate salt therapy sessions in their training regimens and it increases oxygenation and endurance.

Throughout the world, we now find halotherapy rooms, built to recreate the salt cave environment. Special equipment called halogenerators grind and disperse salt aerosol into the air. One 45 minute halotherapy session is said to be the equivalent of three days in the salt caves. Many hospitals in Russia treat their respiratory patients in halotherapy rooms.

What conditions benefit from dry salt aerosol?

• Allergies
• Anxiety
• Asthma
• Breathing difficulties
• Bronchitis
• Cold/Flu Prevention
• Cystic fibrosis
• Ear infections
• Eczema
• Inhanced endurance and oxygenation
• Hay fever
• Psoriasis
• Rhinitis
• Sinusitis/sinus inflammation
• Smoker’s cough (must have quit 3 weeks prior in order to avoid third hand smoke)
• Snoring / sleep apnea
• Stress and fatigue
• Wheezing

Is it safe for kids?

this treatment and it is safe for children and adults to use. Halotherapy involves no artificial elements, simply pure salt that acts as a natural disinfectant for clearer lungs and skin.

Will it get on / stick to my clothes and be visible?

Nope! The machine produces microscopic particles that are able to hang in the air for hours.

How many sessions are needed?

Many people notice some relief from the first session. However longer lasting results are found with multiple sessions. Depending on the condition, 8-20 sessions fairly close together may be needed. Once symptoms are reduced, the frequency of sessions will depend on the individual and the conditions they are experiencing.

Are there any negative side effects?

Typically there are none. Some individuals have experienced a slight throat tickle, which can be alleviated with gargling warm water after a session. In cases with an individual that is highly sensitive they can experience slight skin irritation or red patches; however, they usually go away after a few sessions.

If you experience increased coughing that means the salt therapy treatment is working. This is the body’s way of clearing mucus and toxic buildup. If there is a heavy mucus build up, coughing and sinus drainage may get worse with a lot of mucus being expelled between the 4th and 6th sessions as the body goes into a healing state. Clients generally report feeling much better after the 6th session.

Is there research to support Salt Therapy (halotherapy)?

Salt therapy has been researched and studied in both Russia and Eastern Europe. The first medical study on Cystic Fibrosis has been conducted in Florida with very positive effects.